Adding Homerooms to Staff and Students
Adding Homerooms to Staff

Schools can add, remove, or modify homeroom information assigned to staff in the school.

New staff and the maintenance of staff assignments to schools are managed at the district level.
DO NOT add or delete staff from your school list.
If a teacher should not be in your staff list, simply remove your school name from the details.
- In the School view, click the Staff top tab.
- Check the box beside all teachers that require a homeroom assignment.
- Use Options > Show Selected to isolate the selected teachers on the list.
- Click the blue hyperlink of the first teacher on the list to go to the details.
- Homeroom: Use the pick-list to select the homeroom to assign to the teacher.
- Click OK to populate the Homeroom files with the selected value.
- Click Save before exiting the details screen.
Adding a Homeroom to a Student
Schools can add, remove, or modify homeroom information assigned to students. In the School view, click the Student top tab.
- Check the box beside that student that requires an alert.
Click the Details side tab or the blue hyperlink of the student name.
In the
Demographics sub-tab, use the

icon beside the
Homeroom field to generate the
Homeroom pick-list. Select the homeroom and click
OK to populate the
Homeroom field.
Click Save.
Assigning Homerooms to Multiple Students
Schools can add, remove, or modify homeroom information assigned to students.- In the School view, click the Student top tab.
Check the box beside all students that require the same homeroom.
- In the Options menu, click Show Selected. Only the selected names should appear on the screen.

This is a very important step. If it is missed, the homeroom value will be assigned to ALL students in the list, even if the box beside their name is not checked.
4. In the Options menu, click Mass Update.
a. Field: Set to Homeroom (the homeroom field is being updated)
Value: Use the

icon to select the homeroom to be assigned.
c. Click Update.

Read the pop-up warnings and make sure the right number of records is indicated. Click Cancel if not correct, and review the list of students.
d. Click OK if appropriate.
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